Monday, April 12, 2010

Charleston, WV Wins!

West Virginians greet the Full Metal Crazy that is Fred Phelp's church, and wins! Lots of win in the video, I especially like the line dance end zone spike near the end. Is there any doubt who God was rooting for?


  1. I'm going to stop by my local Tea Party this Thursday and look for leftwing goons trying to disrupt the thing.
    Unlike Madison, we don't have too many of those types and they tend to get whacked down when they pop their heads up.

  2. I didn't see one lefty at the Tea Party I went to last week, besides myself.

  3. I thought Phelps was the white haired guy from Mission Impossible who liked gladiator movies?

    I have to watch the news more instead of TV Land.
